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Acute Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease, 1st Edition

Authors :
Dr. Scott Dougherty & Jonathan Carapetis & Liesl J. Zühlke & Nigel Wilson
Date of Publication: 02/2020
Acute Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease is a concise, yet comprehensive, clinical resource highlighting must-know information on rheumatic heart disease and acute rheumatic fever from a global perspective. Covering the major issues dominati ...view more

Acute Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease is a concise, yet comprehensive, clinical resource highlighting must-know information on rheumatic heart disease and acute rheumatic fever from a global perspective. Covering the major issues dominating the field, this practical resource presents sufficient detail for a deep and thorough understanding of the latest treatment options, potential complications, and disease management strategies to improve patient outcomes.

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Acute Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease is a concise, yet comprehensive, clinical resource highlighting must-know information on rheumatic heart disease and acute rheumatic fever from a global perspective. Covering the major issues dominating the field, this practical resource presents sufficient detail for a deep and thorough understanding of the latest treatment options, potential complications, and disease management strategies to improve patient outcomes.

Key Features
  • Divided into four distinct sections for ease of navigation: Acute Rheumatic Fever, Rheumatic Heart Disease, Population-Based Strategies for Disease Control, and Acute and Emergency Presentations.
  • International editors and chapter authors ensure a truly global perspective.
  • Covers all clinical aspects, including epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical features, diagnosis, management, and treatment.
  • Includes key topics on population-based measures for disease control for effective primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention.
  • Consolidates today’s available information and guidance into a single, convenient resource.

Author Information
Edited by Dr. Scott Dougherty, MBCHB BMSC (Hons), MRCP (Lond), Internist Department of Internal Medicine Belau National Hospital Ministry of Health Koror, Republic of Palau; Jonathan Carapetis, MBBS, BMedSc, PhD, FRSCP, FAFPHM, FAHMS, Executive Director Telethon Kids Institute Professor, University of Western Australia Consultant, Perth Children’s Hospital Perth, Western Australia; Liesl J. Zühlke, MBCHB, DCH, FCPAEDS, Cert Card, MPH, FACC, FESC, MSC, PhD, Specialist Paedtrician and Paediatric Cardiologist Division of Paediatric Cardiology Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital Division of Cardiology Grotte Schuur Hospital Faculty of Health Sciences University of Cape Town and Nigel Wilson, MBCHB, DIPOBST, DCH, MRCP (UK), FRACP, FCANZ, Paediatric Cardiologist Green Lane Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology Department Starship Hospital Auckland District Health Board Clinical Associate Professor Department of Paediatrics University of Auckland Auckland, New Zealand