An indispensable ready-reference for eye-care professionals in Australia and New Zealand
This newly-updated edition of Anterior Eye Disease and Therapeutics A-Z is a dictionary-style clinical guide to diagnosing and managing anterior eye conditions using ocular therapeutics.
This easily accessible ophthalmology textbook offers succinct descriptions of over 160 anterior segment eye conditions – from Bacterial Conjunctivitis to Floppy Eyelid Syndrome and Vitamin A Deficiency – including 7 new conditions.
Each anterior segment eye condition is supported by full colour clinical photographs, along with treatment protocols, down-to-earth advice, differential diagnoses and/or therapy alternatives.
Anterior Eye Disease and Therapeutics A-Z, 2nd Edition is an indispensable eye-care textbook for busy primary care and specialist practitioners. It is also a concise encyclopaedia for students, making it an essential ophthalmology resource.
New to this edition
- Handy A-Z format enables readers to look up conditions quickly and easily.
- Each condition is laid out in a double page spread for a consistent approach throughout the book.
- Portable pocket size makes it ideal for use in the busy clinic.
- Full-color illustrations for each condition allow easy and accurate visual identification in practice.
- Concise coverage presents an excellent synopsis of the subject, perfect for students or professionals.
- Leading authors offer years of experience and clinical advice for expert guidance.
- Covers a broad spectrum of treatment with therapeutic drugs.
- Practical criteria for differential diagnosis is listed with each condition.
Key Features
- pocket-sized A-Z format
- a comprehensive, fully-updated appendix – medication and procedures
- covers 165 anterior segment eye conditions including 7 new conditions
- 12 new easy-to-use condition classification indexes to assist with differential diagnoses
- new video footage of eye movements and surgical procedures
- 500 new self-test questions
- new online image bank
- full colour clinical photographs of each anterior segment eye condition
Author Information
By Adrian S. Bruce, BScOptom, PhD, FAAO, FVCO, Senior Optometrist, Victorian College of Optometry, University of Melbourne, Australia and Michael Stephen Loughnan, MBBS (Hons), FRANZCO, PhD, Senior Staff Specialist, Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital, Victoria, Australia
A-Z GuideA-Z tableAbrasionsAcanthamoeba keratitisActinic keratosisAcute allergic blepharoconjunctivitisAdenoviral keratoconjunctivitisAllergic Eye Disease: ClassificationAniridiaAtopic keratoconjunctivitisBacterial conjunctivitsBacterial keratitisBand keratopathyBasal cell carcinomaBells Palsy - Facial ParalysisBlepharitis - anterior.Blepharitis - posterior.Bullous Keratopathy: Pseudophakic and aphakicCanaliculitisCaruncular cystsCataract classificationCataract Surgery ComplicationsCataract incisionsChalazionChemical burnsChlamydial conjunctivitisClimatic Droplet KeratopathyConcretionsConjunctival intraepithelial neoplasiaConjunctival lymphomaConjunctival papillomaConjunctival pigmented lesionsConjunctival scarringConjunctivitis - overviewConjunctivochalasis and chemosisContact lenses – Gas Permeable (GP)Contact lenses – Soft Contact lens-related conditionsCorneal Collagen Cross-linkingcorneal degenerations, dystrophies and depositions - groupingcorneal degenerations, dystrophies and depositions - overviewCorneal edema – overviewCorneal GraftsCorneal Grafts: Lamellar KeratoplastyCorneal Grafts: RejectionCorneal infiltrates - overviewCorneal opacities - peripheralCrocodile shagreenCrystalline keratopathyCysts of the eyelidDacryocystitisDellenDendritic ulcer - Herpes Simplex KeratitisDermatochalasisDescemet's Membrane BreaksDisciform keratitisDry Eye syndromes - overviewDry Eye Syndromes-Keratoconjunctivitis siccaEctopia lentisEctropionEndophthalmitisEndothelial OpacitiesEntropionEpiblepharon and Epicanthic foldsEpibulbar choristoma - dermoids, dermolipomasEpiphoraEpiscleritis - simple and nodularEpithelial and fibrous ingrowthEpithelial basement membrane dystrophyExposure keratopathyEyelid - Hot, Eyelid Tarsal ConjunctivaEyelid and LacrimalEyelid trauma -haematomaFilamentary KeratopathyFiltering blebsFlash burnFloppy Eyelid SyndromeFolliclular conjunctivitisForeign body - corneal and conjunctivalFuch's endothelial dystrophyFuch's heterochromic iridocyclytisFungal keratitisGiant papillary conjunctivitisGlaucoma - acute angle closureGonococcal conjunctivitisGranular stromal dystrophyHemangiomaHerpes Simplex Keratitis - overviewHerpes simplex - primary keratoblepharoconjunctivitisHerpes zoster ophthalmicusHordeolum - internal and externalHyphaema - Blunt traumaHypopyonInfectious crystalline keratopathyInterstitial keratitisIntraocular lensesIrido-corneal dysgenesisIrido-corneal endotheliopathyIris and Lens Conditions - groupingIris cysts and benign tumoursIritisIron linesKeratitis - groupingKeratoconusKeratoconus-forme frusteKeratoglobusKeratopathyLattice stromal dystrophyLeukocoriaLice - Phthiriasis palpebrarumLimbal stem cell deficiencyLipid keratopathyMacular stromal dystrophyMarginal keratitisMeesmann’s epithelial dystrophyMelanoma - conjunctivalMelonoma - eyelidMelanoma and naevus of the irisMembranous and Pseudomembranous ConjunctivitisMolluscum contagiosumMooren ulcerNaevus - eyelidNasolacrimal duct obstruction – congenitalNeurotrophic keratopathyOcular Cicatricial pemphigoidOphthalmia neonatorumPannus and pseudopterygiaPellucid marginal degenerationPenetrating Eye InjuriesPerforation - cornealPeripheral Ulcerative KeratitisPersistant Epithelial DefectsPhlyctenulosis - conjunctival, cornealPingueculumPosterior capsule opacificationPosterior polymorphous dystrophyPreseptal cellulitisPseudoexfoliation of the lens capsule (PXF)PterygiumPtosis and pseudoptosisPunctal stenosisPyogenic granulomaRecurrent corneal erosion syndromeRed eye hot overview Red eye quiet overview Refractive Surgery-LasikRefractive Surgery-RK and PRKReis-Buckler’s dystrophyRetention cyst and lymphangiectasiaRheumatoid Arthriritis and the EyeRosacea KeratitisSalzmann nodular degenerationScleritis-overviewScleritis-thinning and necrosisSeasonal allergic conjunctivitisSebaceous cell carcinomaSeborrhoeic keratosisSkin - lumps, bumps groupingSkin tumors – benignSkin tumors – overviewSquamous cell carcinoma – lidStevens-Johnson syndromeSub-conjunctival hemorrhageSuperficial punctate keratopathy (SPK)Superior limbic keratoconjunctivitisSurgical signs and complications - groupingSynechiaeTear film anomaly - grouping Terrien's marginal degenerationThygeson's SPKToxic KeratopathyTrachomaTrauma overview Trichiasis, pseudotrichiasis, distachiasis, metaplastic lashes and trichotillomaniaUveitis: anterior – classificationVernal keratoconjunctivitisVitamin A DeficiencyVortex keratopathyXanthelasma