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Basic and Clinical Immunology, 2nd Edition

Authors :
Mark Peakman & Diego Vergani
Date of Publication: 04/2009
Basic science and clinical immunology are demystified for the medical and other health sciences student. The basic immunological processes are described first, with a level of detail restricted to what is appropriate for medical and other similar cur ...view more
Basic science and clinical immunology are demystified for the medical and other health sciences student. The basic immunological processes are described first, with a level of detail restricted to what is appropriate for medical and other similar curricula. In the second part of the book immunological mechanisms behind major diseases of the various body systems are explained. Throughout the text clinical details are highlighted and more in-depth material is differentiated from the main text.
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Basic science and clinical immunology are demystified for the medical and other health sciences student. The basic immunological processes are described first, with a level of detail restricted to what is appropriate for medical and other similar curricula. In the second part of the book immunological mechanisms behind major diseases of the various body systems are explained. Throughout the text clinical details are highlighted and more in-depth material is differentiated from the main text.

New to this edition
  • Now full-colour throughout
  • Specialised material removed and replaced with clearer introductory explanations
  • Clearer illustrations, thanks to rewritten captions

  • Key Features
    • Covers both basic science and clinical immunology in one volume
    • Specifically aimed at medical students and appropriate for integrated system-based curricula
    • Main text supported by 'in depth', key point and clinical boxes

    Author Information
    By Mark Peakman, MBBS, PhD, FRCPath, Professor of Immunology, King's College London; Honorary Consultant Immunologist, King's College Hospital, London, UK; Diego Vergani, MD, PhD, FRCPath, FRCP, Professor of Liver Immunopathology, King's College London and Honorary Consultant Immunologist, King's College Hospital, London, UK