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Current Advances in Endocrinology & Metabolism

Current Advances in Endocrinology & Metabolism is a monthly current literature searching service which is fast, comprehensive, economical and easy to use. It enables pure and applied scientists to keep abreast of the ever-increasing literature being published in their subject area, by providing a subject categorized listing of titles, authors, bibliographic details and authors' addresses. Titles are presented under appropriate subject headings with full cross references.

Contents: Major subject areas covered include: Nitrogen metabolism; Carbohydrate metabolism; Lipid metabolism; Receptor transduction mechanisms; Hypothalamic hormones; Endogenous opioids; Anterior pituitary gland; Posterior pituitary gland; Thyroid gland; Adrenal cortex; Adrenal medulla; Sex steroids; Endocrine pancreas; Gastrointestinal hormones; Autocoids; Metabolic regulation in specific organ sites; Biochemistry and physiology of reproduction; Energy balance and nutrition; Applied biochemistry and physiology; Effects of disorders on metabolism; Comparative biochemistry and physiology.