This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. It brings together all the information needed for a veterinary nurse to confidently approach minor surgical procedures in small animals. Based on a thorough grounding of surgical principles, the book takes a hands-on approach and focuses on applying theory to practice. The author has included clear instructions for performing a number of minor surgical techniques and offers practical advice in the form of handy hints and tips making this a highly accessible and user-friendly text.
Key Features
· An accessible and practical guide to achieving best practice within veterinary surgical nursing· Illustrated throughout with full colour photographs and diagrams· Dental medicine and surgery covered in detail· Three useful appendices covering emergency surgical procedures· Comprehensive glossary
Author Information
By Julian G. Hoad, BVetMed, BSc(Hons), MRCVS, Veterinary Surgeon, Wingrave Veterinary Hospital, Surrey, UK; Lecturer in Veterinary Nursing, Cerberus Training and Sponsorship Co-ordinator, BSAVA Education Committee
ForewordPrefaceAbbreviationsPART 1: General principles1: The veterinary nurse and minor surgery- Definition and scope of minor surgery- Role of the veterinary nurse- Interpretation of the RCVS schedule 3 (and possibly appropriate USA guidelines) re nurses' role in minor surgical procedures- The interplay between vet and nurse in nurse-performed minor surgery (communication, training, professional support, etc.)- Personal learning, development and self-assessment2. The minor surgical patient- Owner communication - Admitting the patient- The anaesthetic/surgical consent form- Pre-anaesthetic history review, nurse examination and health check- Planning operating theatre lists and time3. Premedication and patient preparation- Rationale and review of common sedative/premedication drugs- Injection routes and techniques for premedication- Placement of i.v. catheters and basics of surgical fluid administration- Analgesic drugs and pain management - Pre- and post-operative antibiotics- Preparation of the surgical skin site4. General anaesthesia-Rationale and review of commonly used drugs- Intubation techniques - Common anaesthetic breathing systems- Monitoring anaesthesia- Anaesthetic emergencies and resuscitation (also a chart in the inside back cover)5. Wound dressings and bandages- Types of dressing and their indications especially following minor surgery- Application techniques and management- Complications from dressingsPART 2: Minor surgical techniques6. Wound management- Review of wounds and wound healing- Wound classification- First aid for simple and complex wounds- Open management and minor surgical debridement- Management of complicated wounds- Wound healing products- Hydrotherapy7. Principles of soft tissue surgery- Review of important surgical instruments, their use and care- Review of important suture materials and their applications- Practical suture patterns for minor surgery- Halstead's principles of tissue handling - Dealing with bleeding- Surgical drains- Postoperative wound care 8. Common surgical procedures- Skin wound closure- Skin surface tumours and subcutaneous growths- Surgical management of abscesses - Skin biopsy techniques- Ear surgery and aural haematoma- Tail amputation for trauma or disease- Digit amputation- Dew claw and nail removal- Dental and oral surgery- Jugular and intraosseous catheter placement - Acting as the scrubbed assistant in major surgery- Veterinary acupuncture9. The postoperative patient- The recovery phase - Indicators of pain and postoperative analgesia - Discharging the patient- Postoperative checks- Postoperative complications following minor surgeryAppendix: Emergency proceduresGlossary of surgical terms and definitionsSelf-assessmentsFurther reading listIndex