Health and Health Care Delivery in Canada E-Book, 3rd Edition
Date of Publication: 07/2019
New Edition Coming Soon
New to this edition
- NEW! Expanded and updated coverage on legislative and health care changes regarding mental health care, Indigenous Peoples, palliative and end-of-life care (including MAID), the legalization of marihuana, and the COVID-19 pandemic (on Evolve).
- NEW! Discussions about topical issues include the introduction of alternative and complementary health services in Canada, emergency preparedness, and e-mental health.
- NEW! Completely updated content in Think It Through and Case Example feature boxes.
- NEW! Improved organization of content introduces the role and responsibilities of federal, provincial, and territorial governments, as well as those of agencies and practitioners earlier in the text.
- NEW! Did You Know? boxes present real-life situations exemplifying content presented in the chapters.
- NEW! Enhanced Evolve site including new TEACH lesson plans, updated and expanded Discussion Questions, Review Questions, and an introduction to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Author Information
By Valerie D. Thompson, RN, PHC, NP Primary Care, Former Professor ,School of Health & Life Sciences and Community Services.
Professor/Coordinator,Health Office Administration Programme,School of Business and Hospitality,Conestoga Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning,Kitchener, ON