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Local Anesthesia for the Dental Hygienist - E-Book, 2nd Edition

Author :
Demetra Daskalo Logothetis
Date of Publication: 02/2016
New Edition Coming Soon
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New to this edition
  • NEW! Local Anesthesia for the Child and Adolescent chapter focuses on the delivery techniques and administration protocol needed for pediatric and adolescent patients.
  • NEW! Advanced local anesthetic techniques include the Vazirani-Akinosi mandibular block, intraseptal injections, and pre-puncture technique for the C-CLAD.
  • NEW! Coverage of dynamic and emerging topics include newer anesthetic agents, buffering of anesthetics, determination of drug dosages, armamentarium and syringe preparation, maxillary and mandibular injection techniques and fulcrums, and information on electronic devices and new equipment.
  • NEW clinical photos show basic and advanced injection techniques for maxillary and mandibular anesthesia, and new illustrations depict dental anatomy.

Author Information
By Demetra Daskalo Logothetis, RDH, MS