Structure & Function of the Body - Hardcover, 17th Edition
Structure & Function of the Body - Hardcover
Authors :
Kevin T. Patton & Frank B. Bell & Terry Thompson & Peggie L. Williamson
Date of Publication: 01/2025
Gain a solid foundation in A&P with this easy-to-understand text! Clear and straightforward, Structure & Function of the Body, 17th Edition introduces the typical structure and function of the human body and describes what the body does to ma ...view more
Gain a solid foundation in A&P with this easy-to-understand text! Clear and straightforward, Structure & Function of the Body, 17th Edition introduces the typical structure and function of the human body and describes what the body does to maintain homeostasis. The book shows how structure fits function, using clinical examples to reinforce A&P concepts and featuring hundreds of photos and micrographs for realistic visual detail. Written by a team of experts led by Kevin Patton, this text includes an Evolve website packed with animations, audio pronunciations, review questions, and other interactive learning resources.
Gain a solid foundation in A&P with this easy-to-understand text! Clear and straightforward, Structure & Function of the Body, 17th Edition introduces the typical structure and function of the human body and describes what the body does to maintain homeostasis. The book shows how structure fits function, using clinical examples to reinforce A&P concepts and featuring hundreds of photos and micrographs for realistic visual detail. Written by a team of experts led by Kevin Patton, this text includes an Evolve website packed with animations, audio pronunciations, review questions, and other interactive learning resources.
Key Features
NEW! Updated content is added, and new line art and photos ensure wider representation of skin color, sex, age, body type, and cultural diversity.
NEW! Inclusive terminology reduces the emphasis on eponyms — for example, the term “normal” is more carefully used to avoid implying that healthy conditions outside the average are “abnormal.”
NEW! The latest scientific thinking introduces or expands upon emerging core concepts such as the human microbiome, with a new diagram illustrating the changes in the microbiome throughout the human life cycle.
Clear, conversational writing style is paired with “chunked” content, which breaks down the material into smaller, bite-sized bits of information that are easier to read and understand.
More than 400 full-color photos, micrographs, and drawings illustrate the diversity and detail of the human body.
Language of Science and Medicine listsin each chapter includes key terms, pronunciations, and word parts to highlight new or complex medical terminology.
NEW! Updated Connect It!boxes refer you to articles on Evolve that integrate concepts and discuss the latest clinical developments and scientific research, showing “the big picture” of human structure and function.
NEW! Updated Science Application boxes discuss possible career paths within the context of a diversity of historical figures and their life stories.
NEW! Quick Guide to the Language of Science and Medicine is added to Evolve, helping you learn medical terminology without the need for a separate textbook.
UNIQUE! 22-pageClear View of the Human Bodyinsert allows you to peel back the layers of the human body, both male and female, by flipping through full-color, semi-transparent pages.
Student-friendly features make learning easier with chapter outlines, chapter objectives, key terms, study hints, frequent Quick Check questions, chapter summaries, review questions, critical thinking questions, chapter tests, and more.
Boxed sidebars include Health and Well-Being, Clinical Application, Research, Issues, and Trends, and Science Applications to help you apply concepts and develop critical thinking skills.
Resources on the Evolve website include animations, audio summaries, audio pronunciations, the Body Spectrum anatomy coloring book, review questions, and FAQs with answers from the authors
Author Information
By Kevin T. Patton, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Life Sciences, St. Charles Community College Cottleville, MO Professor of Human Anatomy and Physiology Instruction (HAPI adjunct) Northeast College of Health Sciences Seneca Falls, NY, USA; Frank B. Bell, DC, MSHAPI, Adjunct Assistant Professor MS in Human Anatomy & Physiology Instruction (MSHAPI) Program Northeast College of Health Sciences Seneca Falls, NY, USA; Terry Thompson, MS, MSHAPI, Professor Emeritus of Biological Sciences Wor-Wic Community College President Emeritus - HAPS Salisbury, MD, USA and Peggie L. Williamson, PT, DPT, MS, MSHAPI, University of Mary Hardin DPT Program Baylor in Belton, TX Bellah Therapies, LLC Harker Heights, TX, USA
1 Introduction to the Body Scientific Method Levels of Organization Anatomical Position Anatomical Directions Directional Terms Anatomical Compass Rosette Planes of the Body Body Cavities Dorsal Cavities Ventral Cavities Body Regions Balance of Body Functions Homeostasis Feedback Control Negative Feedback Positive Feedback Healthy Fluctuations Human Microbiome 2 Chemistry of Life Levels of Chemical Organization Atoms Elements and Compounds Chemical Bonding Ionic Bonds Covalent Bonds Hydrogen Bonds Inorganic Chemistry Water Acids, Bases, and Salts Organic Chemistry Types of Organic Compounds Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins Nucleic Acids Chemistry in the Human Body 3 Cells Overview of Cells Size and Shape Composition Parts of the Cell Plasma Membrane Cytoplasm Cell Extensions Nucleus Relationship of Cell Structure and Function Movement of Substances Through Cell Membranes Types of Membrane Transport Passive Transport Processes Active Transport Processes Cell Growth and Reproduction Cell Growth Cell Reproduction 4 Tissues Introduction to Tissues Tissue Types Matrix Epithelial Tissue Introduction to Epithelial Tissue Squamous Epithelium Cuboidal Epithelium Columnar Epithelium Pseudostratified Epithelium Transitional Epithelium Connective Tissue Introduction to Connective Tissue Fibrous Connective Tissue Bone Tissue Cartilage Tissue Blood Tissue Hematopoietic Tissue Muscle Tissue Introduction to Muscle Tissue Skeletal Muscle Tissue Cardiac Muscle Tissue Smooth Muscle Tissue Nervous Tissue Tissues and the Whole Body 5 Organ Systems Organ Systems of the Body Integumentary System Skeletal System Muscular System Nervous System Endocrine System Cardiovascular System Lymphatic and Immune Systems Respiratory System Digestive System Urinary System Reproductive Systems The Body as a Whole Homeostasis Applying Organ System Concepts 6 Skin & Membranes Body Membranes Classification of Membranes Epithelial Membranes Connective Tissue Membranes Skin Structure of the Skin Hair, Nails, and Skin Receptors Skin Glands Functions of the Skin Skin Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma Basal Cell Carcinoma Melanoma Kaposi Sarcoma Burns Classification of Burns Estimating Body Surface Area 7 Skeletal System Functions of the Skeletal System Support Protection Movement Storage Hematopoiesis Gross Structure of Bones Bone Types Structure of Long Bones Structure of Flat Bones Microscopic Structure of Bones Bone Tissue Structure Cartilage Tissue Structure Bone Development Making and Remodeling Bone Endochondral Ossification Intramembranous Ossification Axial Skeleton Skull Hyoid Bone Vertebral Column (Spine) Thorax Appendicular Skeleton Upper Extremity Lower Extremity Skeletal Variations Sex-Related Skeletal Differences Age Differences Environmental Factors Joints Articulation of Bones Kinds of Joints Synarthroses Amphiarthroses Diarthroses 8 Muscular System Muscle Tissue Skeletal Muscle Cardiac Muscle Smooth Muscle Structure of Skeletal Muscle Muscle Organs Muscle Fibers Functions of Skeletal Muscle Movement Posture Heat Production Fatigue Role of Other Body Systems in Movement Motor Unit Muscle Stimulus Types of Skeletal Muscle Contractions Twitch and Tetanic Contractions Isotonic Contraction Isometric Contraction Effects of Exercise on Skeletal Muscle Movements Produced by Skeletal Muscle Contractions Angular Movements Circular Movements Special Movements Skeletal Muscle Groups Muscles of the Head and Neck Muscles of the Upper Extremities Muscles of the Trunk Muscles That Move the Lower Extremities 9 Nervous System Organization of the Nervous System Cells of the Nervous System Neurons Glia Nerves and Tracts Nerve Signals Reflex Arcs Nerve Impulses Synapses Central Nervous System Brain Spinal Cord Coverings and Fluid Spaces Peripheral Nervous System Cranial Nerves Spinal Nerves Autonomic Nervous System Overview Functional Anatomy Autonomic Conduction Paths Sympathetic Division Parasympathetic Division Autonomic Neurotransmitters Autonomic Nervous System as a Whole 10 Senses Classification of Senses General Senses Special Senses Sensory Receptor Types Sensory Pathways General Senses Distribution of General Sense Receptors Modes of Sensation Special Senses Vision Hearing and Equilibrium Taste Smell Integration of Senses 11 Endocrine System Endocrine Glands Mechanisms of Hormone Action Nonsteroid Hormones Steroid Hormones Regulation of Hormone Secretion Negative Feedback Positive Feedback Levels of Regulation Prostaglandins Pituitary Gland Structure of the Pituitary Gland Anterior Pituitary Gland Hormones Posterior Pituitary Gland Hormones Hypothalamus Thyroid Gland Thyroid Hormone Calcitonin Parathyroid Glands Adrenal Glands Location of Adrenal Glands Adrenal Cortex Adrenal Medulla Pancreatic Islets Sex Glands Ovaries Testes Thymus Placenta Pineal Gland Endocrine Functions Throughout the Body Other Endocrine Tissues Hormone Actions in Every Organ 12 Blood Blood Composition Blood Tissue Blood Plasma Formed Elements Hematopoiesis Red Blood Cells RBC Structure and Function RBC Count Hemoglobin Anemia Blood Types White Blood Cells Introduction to WBCs WBC Count WBC Types WBC Conditions Platelets and Blood Clotting Platelets Blood Clotting Atypical Blood Clots 13 Cardiovascular System Heart Location, Size, and Position Functional Anatomy Heart Sounds Blood Flow Through the Heart Blood Supply to Heart Muscle Cardiac Cycle Electrical Activity of the Heart Cardiac Output Blood Vessels Types Structure Functions Routes of Circulation Systemic and Pulmonary Routes of Circulation Hepatic Portal Circulation Fetal Circulation Hemodynamics Defining Blood Pressure Factors That Influence Blood Pressure Fluctuations in Arterial Blood Pressure Central Venous Blood Pressure Pulse 14 Lymphatic System & Immunity Lymphatic System Organization of the Lymphatic System Lymph Lymphatic Vessels Lymphoid Organs Immune System Function of the Immune System Innate Immunity Adaptive Immunity Immune System Molecules Cytokines Antibodies Complement Immune System Cells Phagocytes Lymphocytes 15 Respiratory System Structural Plan Overview Respiratory Tract Respiratory Mucosa Upper Respiratory Tract Nose Pharynx Larynx Lower Respiratory Tract Trachea Bronchial Tree Alveoli Lungs Pleurae Respiration Pulmonary Ventilation Mechanics of Breathing Pulmonary Volumes Regulation of Ventilation Breathing Patterns Gas Exchange and Transport Pulmonary Gas Exchange Systemic Gas Exchange Blood Transportation of Gases 16 Digestive System Overview of Digestion Wall of the Digestive Tract Wall Structure Mucosa Submucosa Muscularis Serosa Mouth Structure of Oral Cavity Teeth Salivary Glands Pharynx Structure Function Esophagus Stomach Structure Function Small Intestine Structure Function Liver and Gallbladder Structure Function Pancreas Large Intestine Structure Function Appendix Peritoneum Location Extensions Digestion Overview of Digestion Enzymes and Chemical Digestion Carbohydrate Digestion Protein Digestion Fat Digestion End Products of Digestion Absorption Mechanisms of Absorption Surface Area and Absorption 17 Nutrition & Metabolism Metabolic Function of the Liver Macronutrients Dietary Sources of Nutrients Carbohydrate Metabolism Fat Metabolism Protein Metabolism Micronutrients Vitamins Minerals Regulating Food Intake Metabolic Rates Body Temperature 18 Urinary System Kidneys Location of the Kidneys Gross Structure of the Kidney Microscopic Structure of the Kidney Overview of Kidney Function Formation of Urine Overview of Urine Formation Filtration Reabsorption Secretion Summary of Urine Formation Control of Urine Volume Antidiuretic Hormone Aldosterone Atrial Natriuretic Hormone Atypical Urine Volume Elimination of Urine Ureters Urinary Bladder Urethra Micturition Atypical Urine Output Urinalysis 19 Fluid & Electrolyte Balance Body Fluid Volumes Body Fluid Compartments Concept of Fluid Compartments Extracellular Fluid Intracellular Fluid Mechanisms That Maintain Fluid Balance Overview of Fluid Balance Regulation of Fluid Output Regulation of Fluid Intake Exchange of Fluids by Blood Fluid Imbalances Dehydration Overhydration Importance of Electrolytes in Body Fluids Electrolytes and Nonelectrolytes Ions Electrolyte Functions Electrolyte Imbalances Homeostasis of Electrolytes Sodium Imbalance Potassium Imbalance Calcium Imbalance 20 Acid-Base Balance pH of Body Fluids Using the pH Scale The pH Unit Mechanisms That Control pH of Body Fluids Overview of pH Control Mechanisms Integration of pH Control Chemical pH Control Mechanisms Physiological pH Control Mechanisms pH Imbalances Acidosis and Alkalosis Metabolic and Respiratory Disturbances Compensation for pH Imbalances 21 Reproductive Systems Sexual Reproduction Producing Offspring Male and Female Systems Male Reproductive System Structural Plan Testes Reproductive Ducts Accessory Glands External Genitals Female Reproductive System Structural Plan Ovaries Reproductive Ducts Accessory Glands External Genitals Menstrual Cycle Summary of the Male and Female Reproductive Systems 22 Growth, Development, & Aging Prenatal Period Fertilization to Implantation Amniotic Cavity and Placenta Periods of Development Formation of the Primary Germ Layers Histogenesis and Organogenesis Birth Defects Birth Parturition Stages of Labor Multiple Births Postnatal Period Growth, Development, and Aging Infancy Childhood Adolescence Adulthood Older Adulthood Effects of Aging Integumentary System Skeletal System Muscular System Central Nervous System Special Senses Cardiovascular System Respiratory System Urinary System Reproductive Systems Appendices A Body Mass Index B Common Medical Abbreviations, Prefixes, & Suffixes C Chapter Test Answers Glossary Illustration/Photo Credits
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Purchase your VitalSource eBook on the Elsevier Health site & Function of the Body - Hardcover Professions/Health Professions (General)/Medicine and Surgery/Anatomy/Nursing & Midwifery/Anatomy & Physiology for Nurses/Students/Fundamental nursing skills100541000810442105281745310036100001005110514Gain a solid foundation in A&P with this easy-to-understand text! Clear and straightforward, <b>Structure & Function of the Body, 17th Edition </b>introduces the typical structure and function of the human body and describes what the body does to maintain homeostasis. The book shows how structure fits function, using clinical examples to reinforce A&P concepts and featuring hundreds of photos and micrographs for realistic visual detail. Written by a team of experts led by Kevin Patton, this text includes an Evolve website packed with animations, audio pronunciations, review questions, and other interactive learning resources. Gain a solid foundation in A&P with this easy-to-understand text! Clear and straightforward, <b>Structure & Function of the Body, 17th Edition </b>introduces the typical structure and function of the human body and describes what the body does to maintain homeostasis. The book shows how structure fits function, using clinical examples to reinforce A&P concepts and featuring hundreds of photos and micrographs for realistic visual detail. Written by a team of experts led by Kevin Patton, this text includes an Evolve website packed with animations, audio pronunciations, review questions, and other interactive learning resources.00add-to-cart97803238717852025ProfessionalBy Kevin T. Patton, PhD, Frank B. Bell, DC, MSHAPI, Terry Thompson, MS, MSHAPI and Peggie L. Williamson, PT, DPT, MS, MSHAPI202517Book216w x 276h (8.50" x 10.875")Elsevier62423 Jan 2025IN STOCKBy <STRONG>Kevin T. Patton</STRONG>, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Life Sciences, St. Charles Community College Cottleville, MO Professor of Human Anatomy and Physiology Instruction (HAPI adjunct) Northeast College of Health Sciences Seneca Falls, NY, USA; <STRONG>Frank B. Bell</STRONG>, DC, MSHAPI, Adjunct Assistant Professor MS in Human Anatomy & Physiology Instruction (MSHAPI) Program Northeast College of Health Sciences Seneca Falls, NY, USA; <STRONG>Terry Thompson</STRONG>, MS, MSHAPI, Professor Emeritus of Biological Sciences Wor-Wic Community College President Emeritus - HAPS Salisbury, MD, USA and <STRONG>Peggie L. Williamson</STRONG>, PT, DPT, MS, MSHAPI, University of Mary Hardin DPT Program Baylor in Belton, TX Bellah Therapies, LLC Harker Heights, TX, USABooksYesYesNoNoPlease SelectPlease SelectPlease Select